
Where To Buy Registered Jersey Calves In Wisonsin


Comparing Jersey with Holsteins and Normandies in France



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Calf Health

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La ferme

Et si ? Et si nous rêvions l'agriculture du futur ?

Le pari était lancé en 2016, et en 2018 la ferme expérimentale de Bel Orient, située à Rohan en Centre Bretagne, est en pleine activité !

The Farm

And if ? What if we dream of the agriculture of the future?

The bet was launched in 2016, and in 2018 the experimental farm of Bel Orient, located in Rohan in Center Brittany, is in full activity!

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Scientific Advisory Committee

Research is fundamental to the on-going improvement of the breed, dairy farm management, and the use and marketing of Jersey milk. The Bureau is ideally placed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge around the world.

In 2014 the decision was taken to set-up a Scientific Advisory Committee under the leadership of Dr Duane Norman. Dr Norman is a recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award for his lifelong work in the US genetics arena.

Dr Norman will be assisted by a number of other researchers from around the world. Their brief is to monitor and review research projects in their countries, and through membership of organisations, such as ICAR.

Dr Duane Norman on a visit to Jersey Island

Dr Duane Norman on a Visit to Jersey Island

Listed below is an inventory of projects supported by the American Jersey Cattle Association in recent years. This provides a flavour of the breadth and depth of topics which Jersey breeders wish to understand, and implement the findings in order to improve the performance and financial prosperity of their enterprises.

Research Projects
Funded by AJCC Research Foundation,
American Jersey Cattle Association and/or National All‐Jersey Inc.
2017 - 2018

By AJCC Research Foundation 2017

A. H. Laarman (University of Idaho), Effect of supplemental butyrate on colostrum quality and passive transfer of immunity, to provide multiple targets for nutritional management to improve passive transfer of immunity in Jersey calves.

Kimberly Miller and Trish Berger (University of California–Davis), Reduced testicular estrogens in Jersey bull calves: Hormonal responses to a potential stimulant of Sertoli cell proliferation, focusing on increasing sperm production capacity in prepuberal Jersey bulls.

Francisco Peñagaricano (University of Florida), Genomic analysis of bull fertility in Jersey dairy cattle, to identify and characterize bovine genomic regions, individual candidate genes, and molecular pathways underlying sire fertility.

By National All-Jersey Inc. 2017-2018

Dennis Savaiano (Purdue University), Comparing the digestion of milk with different beta-casein protein content in lactose maldigesters, to evaluate the lactose digestion from and tolerance to milks containing different levels of A2 β-casein.

By AJCC Research Foundation 2018

Victor Cabrera, Peter Vadas, and Kristan Reed (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Updating Jersey and Holstein lactation curves for use in whole farm systems model to assess efficiency of the Jersey breed for milk production.

Luciano S. Caixeta (University of Minnesota), Use of a bovine non-specific immune stimulant on health and performance of Jersey calves during the pre-weaning period.

Rebecca Cockrum, Katharine Knowlton, and Kristy Daniels (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Genomic improvement of colostrum quality and Jersey heifer calf survival.

Maurice Eastridge (The Ohio State University), Developing calf starters for efficient growth of Jersey heifers.

Heather Dann, Richard Grant, and David Barbano (William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute and Cornell University), Development of milk fatty acid parameters for feeding and herd management on Jersey farms.

Paul J. Kononoff and Rick Stowell (University of Nebraska), Updating our knowledge and understanding factors that affect heat production by lactating Jersey cows.

Holly Neibergs and Dale Moore (Washington State University), Identification of loci associated with a deficiency of colostrum production in Jersey cows.

Stephanie Ward and David Barbano (North Carolina State University and Cornell University), Correlation of fatty acid profile to total fat production in milk produced by Jersey cows.


Freestall Size for Jerseys - Jersey Canada, 2016

The Secret to Breeding the Dairy Cow of the Future - Reference to Swedish Research

Research Reports Australia - May 2015

Genomic Selection for Heat Tolerance in Australian Dairy Cattle
Thuy T.T. Morgan, Phil J. Bowman, Mekonnen Haile-Mariam, Jennie E. Pryce, Benjamin J. Hayes

Australian Genomic Information Nucleus
Jennie Pryce

Improving Herds - Herd Decisions Made Easy

Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, USDA
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Optimal age at first calving for U.S. dairy cattle J. B. Cole, J. L. Hutchison,* D. M. Bickhart, and D. J. Null

Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
Abs. W188

Heifer rearing is a major expense for the US dairy industry that accounts for 15 to 20% of the total cost of producing milk.

Selecting for an optimal age at first calving (AFC) in US dairy cattle could reduce costs while still providing animals with high lifetime yields.

Reasons that cows in Dairy Herd Improvement programs exit the milking herd (2013) H. D. Norman and L. M. Walton.

For decades, dairy producers have designated reasons why cows leave the milking herds through Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) recordings.

Information given when cows complete lactations or are removed from the herds place the animals into 4 destination codes (DC): remained in herd, sold for dairy, sold for slaughter/salvage, or died.

Those removed from the herd are given more descriptive codes. The frequencies of the codes are provided annually to summarize reasons for voluntary and involuntary culling as they have considerable economic impact on producers. Rate and reason for culling also provide beneficial information for economic studies on dairy management.

For cows that "remained in the herd", a code indicates whether their lactations ended as planned or unexpectedly as a result of an abortion.

For those cows "sold for slaughter or salvage", there are 8 more choices to provide specific information about why they left the herd.

Historical studies of survival of U.S. dairy cattle have been reported by Nieuwhof et al. (1989) and Hare et al. (2006). Those studies grouped cows by calving year and tracked them until they left the herd.

That method provided comprehensive information, but unfortunately some of the results were quite dated from waiting until all animals in the original group had left the herd.

An alternative approach (used here) provides more current information by summarizing reasons cows left the herds last year. This report is based on lactations with completion dates between January 1 and December 31, 2013. Results using this method are impacted considerably by annual fluctuations in milk and feed prices.

Selected summaries are provided by parity and breed (including crossbreds). Crossbreds were categorized into 2 groups depending on the extent of heterosis.

Those with heterosis of >90% (CB90) and those with heterosis of 50 to 90% (CB50). The CB90 group was primarily first-generation crosses between 2 breeds (F1s) or offspring of a third-breed sire and an F1-crossbred dam of 2 other breeds.

The CB50 group was predominately backcross offspring from an F1 dam and a sire from 1 of the F1 parent breeds.

Hare, E, H.D. Norman, and J.R. Wright. 2006. Survival rates and productive life of dairy cattle in the United States. Journal of Dairy Science 89:3713–3720. Nieuwhof, G.J., H.D. Norman, and F.N. Dickinson. 1989. Phenotypic trends in herdlife of dairy cows in the United States. Journal of Dairy Science 72:726–736. Norman, H.D., J.R. Wright, and J.E. Lombard. 2009. Reasons that cows in Dairy Herd Improvement Programs exit the herd. AIPL Research Report CULL1 (9-09).
Contact: Duane Norman, 301-525-2006, Last Modified: 06/17/2014

Research Projects
Funded by AJCC Research Foundation,
American Jersey Cattle Association and/or National All‐Jersey Inc.

Updated List 2010‐2016

​Research Projects

Funded by AJCC Research Foundation,
American Jersey Cattle Association and/or National All‐Jersey Inc.


CABRERA, Victor E. & Kent A. Weigel, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Development of a genomic testing decision support tool for Jersey dairy calves.

MORRILL, Kim, Cornell Cooperative Ext., Canton, New York, Heather Gauthier, Miner Institute, Chazy, New York, & Howard Tyler, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, The use of digital refractometers to evaluate serum IgG concentration in day old Jersey calves and colostrum management practices of Jersey producers in New York.

ELLISON, Brenna, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois & Kathleen Brooks, West Texas A&M, Canyon, Texas, Are consumers buying what Jersey producers are trying to sell? Understanding consumer preferences for milk and enhancing the All‐Jersey and Queen of Quality brands.

GOULD, Brian W., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Web‐Based System for Evaluating Class III Forward Price Contract.


BEWLEY, Jeffrey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, Differences in core body temperature, lying behavior, rumination behavior and quarter‐level milk conductivity using novel precision dairy farming technologies.

DePETERS, Edward J. & Moshe Rosenberg, University of California, Davis, California, Enhancing the Omega‐3 Fatty Acid and Beta‐Carotene content of Jersey milk.

EASTRIDGE, Maurice & Kristy M. Daniels, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Housing system may affect calf behaviour and extent of environmental stress on Jersey calves.

HULBERT, Lindsey E., Moshe Rosenberg & Edward J. DePeters, University of California, Davis, California, Enhancing Jersey cow immunity with rumen‐protected Omega‐3‐Fatty Acids and Beta‐ Carotenoids

PINEDO, Pablo J., Jason Shumaker and Albert DeVries, Texas Agrilife Research, College Station, Texas, Dynamics of culling risk for Jersey, Jersey x Holstein and Holstein cows in large multi‐breed dairy herds.

WHITE, Heather M., University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, Identification of SNPs associated with Ketosis in Jersey cattle.


CHEBEL, Ricardo C., University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, Characterization of follicle growth, corpus luteum development and steroidal hormones plasma concentration during the oestrous cycle of lactating Jersey cows.

DANIELS, Kristy, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, Effects of Dietary coconut oil inclusion on liver fatty acid metabolism at the gene level in Jersey calves.

LAGER, Kevin and Ellen Jordan, Texas AgriLife Extension Services, Canyon, Texas, Assessment of the metabolic profile for transition Jersey dairy cattle.

TYLER, Howard and Kimberly Morrill, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa


NEIBERGS, Holly L., Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, Identification of gene mutations responsible for susceptibility to tissue infection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in Jersey cattle.

PEARSON, Ron, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, JPI formula.

PRIEN, Sam, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, Use of a mouse model to demonstrate improved embryo survival rates following cryopreservation: A potential means of improving Jersey embryo survival.

VILLARROEL, Aurora, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, Evaluation of failure of passive transfer in replacement Jersey calves.

WEIGEL, Kent, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Development of a genome‐guided mating program for Jersey cattle.

MURPHY, Michael R., University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Subacute ruminal acidoisis in Jersey cows: Milk quality and urine pH.

Where To Buy Registered Jersey Calves In Wisonsin


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